200 square meters complete!

After two weeks of hard work, the saltmarsh is complete! All the seams and all joints with the wall of the flume on the one side and the dividing plastic sheet on the other side have been tightly packed with clay where gaps remained, so that the whole 200 square meters form a connected platform. Along one side of the flume, very coarse gravel has been placed to allow a tight fit while creating a surface with a roughness most likely comparable to the vegetated part, so that wave crests travel uniformly across the whole section.

The final preparations for the first submersion are now underway – and everyone here is holding their breath…

Vegetation complete!

Shortly before completion of the vegetated section…

... and, from the back, complete with gravel along side and back.

… and, from the back, complete with gravel along side and back, and sprinklers to keep it all hydrated….

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